News from Sarah Painter
Books: At Home by Bill Bryson
Reading Bill Bryson is like watching QI; it’s enjoyable and always leaves me feeling that little bit smarter than before. In At Home: A Short History of Private Life, Bryson tackles the subject of domesticity through the ages. He points out that history tends to focus on famous figures, politics,…
What works for me…
What works for me, may not work for you. It doesn’t even work for me all of the time, but this is what I think I know about writing a novel: Write every day (to keep the world and the characters fresh and alive). Keep writing – no matter how…
New Year: Resolutions, goals and procrastination
I know that the new year began two weeks ago, but yesterday was my birthday and that always feels more like the start of a new year to me… Anyhoo. 2011. I’m not one for resolutions. Every year I make (and promptly break) a resolution to worry less and live…